Climate change photopack for secondary

2023. 8. 22. 08:49일상 수업 이야기/Climate Justice


Climate change photopack for secondary schools

CAFOD Secondary KS3 photopack on climate change


중등용 수업자료.


텍스트가 어렵지않고 개조식으로 기술되어 있어서 읽기자료로 쓰기에 부담없다.

항목별로 모둠에 배정해주고 직소로 학습하여 발표하는 활동으로 활용하기에 좋다. 


Ideas for use from teachers' notes

RE and Geography teachers might consider doing a cross-curricular topic, but the pack can also be used by RE and Geography teachers independently of each other.


As a starter, display the images and ask pupils to stand next to the one that most appeals to them and to say why they chose it and how they think it relates to the stewardship of creation or to climate change. Invite pupils to work in pairs to read and summarise the information on one card and to explain it to the rest of the class. Further research could be done for homework. Alternatively, project and use one card as the subject of a lesson.