BC_CALE activities for low resource classrooms

2023. 8. 22. 11:05일상 수업 이야기/Climate Justice

영국문화원 CALE(Climate action in language education) 활동자료집

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead Cultural anthropologist and writer


“As a member of the education family, ELT needs to embrace the value of doubts and questions, risk posing novel ideas, and make social transformation one of its priorities, if it is to make its proper contribution to the creation of a better society for all.” - Ramin Akbari, ELT critical pedagogist


10가지 기후 변화 주제에 기반한 30가지 활동 뱅크와 각 활동에 대한 단계별 지침이 있다. 

아주 쉬운 레벨부터 고등학교에서 쓸만한 자료까지 다양하다.




[내 수업 활용 자료]

Activity 1. The 5 Rs puzzle

• R_ d _ _ e (Reduce) • R _ u _ e (Reuse) • R _ _ y _ _ e (Recycle) • R _ p _ _ r (Repair) • R _ f _ s _ (Refuse)

• Which word means to ‘say no’ to something you are offered? (Refuse) • Which word means to use or buy less of something? (Reduce) • Which word means to mend or fix something? (Repair) • Which word means to use something again? (Reuse) • Which word means to give something a new or different use? (Recycle)


• Reduce – This is when you don’t buy a new toy but trade with a friend. • Reuse – This is when you use two sides of a piece of paper, rather than one. • Recycle – This is when you use an old jar to hold your pencils. • Repair – This is when you sew a hole in your t-shirt instead of getting a new one. • Refuse – This is when you say ‘no thank you’ if you are offered a bag in a shop.

Activity 2.  Extreme weather quiz

1. What is it called when temperatures are very high and the lack of rain could destroy harvests which millions of people rely on? (drought) 2. What is it called when unusually heavy rains cause the river to burst its banks and residents are advised to take food and other essential items upstairs or to higher ground? (flood) 3. What is it called when many trees are burning and the wind helps spread flames and smoke, threatening people’s homes? (forest fire) 4. What is it called when there is very heavy snowfall causing blocked roads and police advising people to avoid travel? (blizzard) 5. What is it called when there is very bad air pollution, the tiny particles in the air can harm the lungs and just going outside is hazardous? (smog) 6. What is it called when a sudden sea rise caused by poor ocean conditions floods coastal communities? (tidal surge) 7. What are four types of violent storms which touch down in communities and can kill people, destroy buildings and cause major damage? (4 points) (tornado, hurricane, typhoon, cyclone)


Activity 3.  What’s true, what’s false?

1. Some types of farming causes water pollution which kills fish and vegetation. 2. When farmers use pesticides and fertilisers it is good for the environment. 3. Organic farms and foods are ones that have fewer artificial chemicals. 4. Farmers can manage bugs (insects) and in natural ways. 5. Farming usually protects animal habitats and biodiversity. 6. Cutting down trees increases carbon dioxide levels and contributes to global warming. 7. Meat and milk from factory farms are cheap and the animals are well cared for. 8. Animals produce methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming. 9. Eating less meat and more vegetables and fruits is good for the environment. 10. Buying local rather than imported food is always better for the environment.


• Answers: 1. T: Chemicals used by farmers can get into water sources. 2. F: Many pesticides and fertilisers use chemicals which damage the environment. 3. T: Organic farms and foods are more ecological. 4. T: Natural solutions have been used for a long time but with lower production. 5. F: A lot of land for farming is reduces animal habitat. 6. T: Trees absorb carbon. 7. F: The meat and milk are cheap but the conditions for animals are usually poor. 8. T: Methane is released by animals, especially cows. Too much methan contributes to global warming. 9. T: Meat production is far more carbon intensive than plant-based food. 10. F: Not always. Transport usually has only a small impact compared to other factors. (E.g., Eating vegetables from another country is much less carbon intensive than eating meat from a local factory farm.)


1. Transportation is the biggest contributor to climate change. 2. Fossil fuels are the most popular source of energy in the world. 3. Coal is the dirtiest source of energy. 4. Hydro is the most dangerous source energy. 5. Renewable resources are the cheapest source of energy. 6. Poor supply is the most difficult challenge in reducing fossil fuels.


Answers 1. False. Power stations which generate electricity contribute the most, but transport is also a major contributor to climate change. 2. True. Coal and gas are the most popular sources of energy. 3. True. Coal is one of the dirtiest sources of energy. 4. False. Nuclear is potentially the most dangerous due to possible accidents and waste. 5. True. Solar and wind were expensive in the past but are now the cheapest options. 6. False. Political and business interests are the biggest challenges.


Activity 4. Mind mapping energy sources


Puzzle with missing vowel Solution 1. c _ _ l 2. h _ d r _ 3. n _t _r _ l g _ s 4. n _ c l _ _ r 5. _ _ l 6. s _ l _ r 7. t _d _ l p _ w _ r 8. w _ n d 1. coal 2. hydro 3. natural gas 4. nuclear 5. oil 6. solar 7. tidal power (form ocean waves) 8. wind







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