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Bring the Art into Your Classroom
https://artuk.org/learn/learning-resources Art UK | Learn Learning resources artuk.org 미술작품으로 수업할 수 있는 온갖 아이디어가 있다. 하고 싶은게 무궁무진. 기후위기 관련해서도 미술작품을 연계하고 있긴한데, 막상 수업에 써보려고 하니 좀 애매하다. 어렵다. https://artuk.org/learn/learning-resources/climate-change-and-the-environment-resources# Climate change and the environment resources | Art UK Subscribe to our newsletter Newly added artworks, stories and chances ..
2023.08.22 -
BC Video Zone/ Magazine Zone
학생들에게 사이트 링크를 주고 영상을 각자 보고 이해 확인 문제풀이와 단어학습을 해보게 할 수 있다. 짝과 함께 활동하도록 장치를 마련하면 더 좋겠고. 학생별 디바이스가 있는 경우 유용할 듯. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/climate-change-why-does-15degc-matter Climate change: why does 1.5°C matter? Why is it so important that we limit the rise in temperature to 1.5°C? Watch this video to find out. learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org 다양한 주제 ..
2023.08.22 -
Life below water/on land
Life below water https://www.britishcouncil.org/school-resources/find/classroom/life-below-water Life below water | British Council It’s time to tackle plastic pollution! With the Life below water learning resource, you and your students can explore the issue of marine conservation and the urgent need to protect the world’s seas and oceans. Discover how millions of tonnes of plasti www.britishco..
2023.08.22 -
Positive Language in the Classroom
교사가 사용하는 언어를 돌아보게 하는 좋은 자료들. 1. REFRAMING: The Power Of Positive Language Sally White 2. Positive Language in the EFL Classroom 2. When giving correction or praise, try to focus on specific behaviors or examples. No: Everyone, calm down…behave. Yes: Everyone, please return to your seats, sit quietly, and put your pencils and pens down. No: Jenny, I like the way you are behaving. Yes: Jenny, than..
2023.08.22 -
BC_CALE activities for low resource classrooms
영국문화원 CALE(Climate action in language education) 활동자료집 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead Cultural anthropologist and writer “As a member of the education family, ELT needs to embrace the value of doubts and questions, risk posing novel ideas, and make social transformation one of it..
2023.08.22 -
Lesson Plans for Climate Justice
1. Lesson Plan 1 [What is climate justice?] - Climate language - Behind the image - Global climate cartography - The link between wealth and emissions - Local climate cartography - ‘The world as it is’ or ‘The world as it should be’ cartography - In the image of God https://www.christianaid.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-07/j248565_l4c_lesson-plan-1.pdf 2. Lesson Plan 2 [Courageous advocacy and..