Google Art & Culture

2024. 1. 6. 23:47일상 수업 이야기


Google Arts & Culture

Google 아트 앤 컬처는 Google Cultural Institute와 제휴한 주요 박물관과 자료실 2,000여 곳의 콘텐츠 등 전 세계의 소중한 자료를 온라인으로 제공합니다.

Teacher's Guide


내 갤러리를 만들어서 좋아하는 작품을 담아둘 수 있다. 구글 클래스룸에 쉽게 공유할 수 있고, street view 가 있어서 virtual field trip 으로 영어 여행코스 짜보는 수업도 좋겠다.

가상 갤러리가 특히 좋았다.


Virtual Museum Day Out - Google Arts & Culture

Step inside virtual galleries from some of the world's top museums and cultural institutions

다양한 주제별 카테고리가 있어서 차별, 인권, 문화적 다양성 등 수많은 주제를 연계해서 동기유발 자료 등으로 활용할 수 있겠다. 


수업용 자료


Learn With Google Arts & Culture - Google Arts & Culture

If you are looking for something to inspire your students


[ 기타 수업 활용 아이디어 ] 

1. Visual Prompts: Use artworks or photographs from Google Arts & Culture as visual prompts for discussions or writing activities. Students can describe what they see, interpret the emotions or stories behind the artwork, or express their personal opinions about the pieces.

2. Descriptive Writing: Select a painting, sculpture, or photograph from the platform and ask students to write a descriptive paragraph or essay about it. Encourage them to use descriptive language, adjectives, and sensory details to bring the artwork to life in their writing.

3. Cultural Exploration: Explore different cultures and traditions by examining artworks and cultural artifacts from various regions around the world. Students can research and present on the historical and cultural significance of specific artworks, helping them expand their knowledge of different cultures and improve their language skills.

4. Historical Context: Use Google Arts & Culture to provide historical context for literary works or historical events. Students can explore artworks and artifacts from specific time periods to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural, social, and historical background related to a particular text or topic.