분류 전체보기(136)
https://inthinking.net/ InThinkingSupporting international schools with high quality professional development & interactive online resources The InThinking team consists of more than 120 workshop leaders, consultants, and authors, all of whom are highly qualified experts in their respectivinthinking.net
2024.08.02 -
Learner Profile Collections
https://learn.toddleapp.com/resource-post/myp-living-the-learner-profile/ MYP Living the Learner Profile CollectionsUse the MYP Living the Learner Profile collection to connect IB learner profiles with real-world heroes and inspire your students to take action for SDGs.learn.toddleapp.com
2024.07.30 -
World Indigenous Language
세계 원주민 언어 https://en.iyil2019.org/ 2019 - International Year of Indigenous LanguageThe United Nations declared 2019 The Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) in order to raise awareness of the important contribution they make to our world’s rich cultural diversity.en.iyil2019.org
2024.07.30 -
Social-Emotional Learning: What Is SEL and Why SEL Matters
2024.07.30 -
https://udlguidelines.cast.org/ The UDL GuidelinesThe UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.udlguidelines.cast.orgThe Goal of UDL: Learner AgencyPurposeful - internalized self-efficacy, acting in ways that are personally and ..
2024.07.30 -
https://blog.100mentors.com/how-teaching-developed-in-local-and-global-contexts-enriches-learners-communication-skills/ How teaching developed in Local and Global Contexts enriches learner Communication Skills: Simplifying Approaches to Teaching &This post is part of a 6-part series highlighting how we, as IB teachers, can bring Approaches to Teaching to our classroom and challenge learners to e..