분류 전체보기(136)
Body Positivity
수업 아이디어 : 자신의 몸/외모에 대한 긍정적 태도, 자신을 있는 그대로 사랑하기/외모 강박에서 벗어나기, 사회가 만들어가는 '미'에 대한 기준, 아름다움이란 무엇인가? 일상에서 만나는 고정관념과 편견, 차별의 사례들 나누기https://youtu.be/lGCDl0V1j7U?si=zrLm-WFdnA86a8Wm https://youtu.be/M1hOBhn0cLs?si=JIwZtXnpKJPSm_4Hhttps://www.bodyhappyorg.com/resources Free Body Image Resources for Parents and Teachers — The Body Happy OrgFree resources to help promote positive body image in children an..
2024.03.01 -
Classroom Bookshelf
https://classroombookshelf.wordpress.com/ 책추천과 함께 각 그림책/소설 등등 Book review, 무엇보다 Teaching idea&invitation해서 책으로할수있는 활동, 확장질문 등등의 소개 The Classroom Bookshelf Teaching with Chidren's and Young Adult Literature in the 21st Century classroombookshelf.wordpress.com
2024.03.01 -
Teaching Diversity
https://diversebooks.org/about-wndb/ About WNDB Illustration by Vanessa Brantley-Newton Who We Are We Need Diverse Books™ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that advocates essential changes in the publishing industry to produce and promote literature tha… diversebooks.org [영어그림책소개] The Day War Came 2022년 2월 24일 러시아가 우크라이나 영토를 전면 침공하고 전쟁을 선포한 지도 벌써 두 달이 넘어갑니다.... blog.naver.com Picture Books about Immigra..
2024.03.01 -
Benefits of Being Bilingual
https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/teaching-resources/teaching-secondary/lesson-plans/upper-intermediate-b2/benefits-being-bilingual?fbclid=IwAR0rrorFjzEQETJOKLiGHb_MUs6cG957e-lzXjvgAG89naCle6NF6GQynAo 다른 나라의 언어를 배운다는 것이 어떤 도움이 되는지에 대한 학습 자료. 타국의 삶과 문화, 사고방식에 대한 이해 부분이 좀 더 깊이 다루어지면 좋을 것 같아서 좀 아쉽기는 한데, 그래도 언제든 쓸 수 있을지 모르니 킵. Benefits of being bilingual Introduction This lesson was devised to cele..
2024.02.24 -
Starts With Imperfection and Vulnerability
https://www.gettingsmart.com/2024/02/05/building-an-authentic-learning-culture-starts-with-imperfection-and-vulnerability/ Building An Authentic Learning Culture Starts With Imperfection and Vulnerability Aaron Schorn and Mike Yates highlight how to change learner perception of vulnerability and radically transform your classroom. www.gettingsmart.com
2024.02.14 -
Make it Stick
https://www.powerfulteaching.org/resources Free Templates & Downloads — Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning Download templates and resources from the book Powerful Teaching. Take your instruction to the next level, implement evidence-based strategies, and transform learning in your classroom. www.powerfulteaching.org